Monday 24 November 2008


I know that on the 24th November it is a bit early to talk about this subject but the television and papers seem to be full of it so why not?
Christmas is a bad time for me.
When your parents are dead and your circle of friends that you see face to face is decreasing on a daily basis the thought fills me with horror.
I had a phone call from Adam yesterday saying that as his mother in law and her son are staying with them over the whole of the Christmas period he will not be seeing me.
I have sent out an invitation to a friend who I speak to over the phone to come and visit(gives me a chance to show off my cooking) but the reply was non comittal.I did open the invitation to her girlfriend and the dogs as well!.
So it looks like it is going to be just G and me.Very aware that many are in the same situation or on their own but it's still sad as I am a very social person.
Also it brings back some sad thoughts.When I had a large circle of workmates it came to the fun season.All the girls would dress up in their finery and I so wished it was me.Then the terrible party where at the end it turned up into a pair off situation for the younger ones,Imagine my horror when that happened and to make it worse the only person I fancied was male.It did turn out that I found when I had left that he was gay!!!Would love to get in touch with him now but have lost touch long ago.
So on the bright side will give me a chance to put on my party dress and Rudolph earrings.

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