Wednesday 19 November 2008


As the other two students on my course did not turn up last night the tutor and I turned it into a one to one,say anything session. My what a two hour cleanout that was.
Will not go into everything said but one topic does concern this blog.
I am a carer for my wife who has personality disorder OCD and have been for the last thirty years.Over the years the fact that her condition has ben diagnosed as incurable has meant that all medical support has been withdrawn and I have no friends who I can pop out and have a natter to.As a result I have to be carer/psychiatrist and psycholgist 24 hours a day,365 days a year.The problem with this is I have nobody at all to unload to and my problems have to stop right here.
So mt tutor suggested I use my blog to get all the day's frustations out. So if you read this blog it may be in your interests to stop now.
First moan
How can anybody who'se problems you have listened to every single day for 30 years,often through the whole night tell you when you have a problem to shut up because she doesn't want to hear me going on about it?
Answers on a postcard plese

1 comment:

Kimmie said...

its just narowmindedness of illness not she doesnt care darling xx