Tuesday 7 April 2009

Masks and protection

On Angels today one of the girls said that she prefers to wear a wig as she feels"protected"
Takes me back to what happened yesterday.
If I am out in trousers or a long skirt and boots I never wear my wig.However if in natural tights and a more floaty skirt I didn't feel right without the dead cat on my head.
Yesterday I had to visit my therapist and decided natural tights and the floaty skirt felt right but I knew that I had to go shopping on the way.
So did not wear the wig!!
Nothing changed and I still felt the same old me.
My therapist is working on self ownership with me and that is what it is all about.
The only mask I need is my makeup and there is nothing wrong with that.
I wear it because I want to,not for others.

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