Friday 20 March 2009


I like writing this blog,I really do.I can put down things that would get me excomunicated from Angels.
On the forum today Loris mentioned that I made her laugh and that may be my trouble.
Despite all the angst of transitioning I just cannot take it seriously.
To find out why I have to look at my past when the population wore woad.
I was born just after the war and the first few years of my life were during peropds of deprivation and rationing.If people then had not learnt to laugh at problems and themselves they would have been chucking themselves off cliffs like lemmings(actually they don't,that was something made up by Walt Disney,who thought it would make good cinema).
My life is a darned site better than it ever was as a male so I might as well smile about it.
Told you didn't I?If I had posted this on Angels the lynch mob would be on it's way

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