Saturday 28 March 2009

I am not supergirl

While doing one of Geraldines thousand and one "little jobs" this morning I found her standing behind me planning the next one.I turned and just blurted out"I am not superwoman"
Now that got me thinking-dangerous.
When I go to Charing Cross the majority of the girls in the waiting room seem to have faces like a bag of spanners and sit there with their legs wide apart.I thought for a while that they must have a day for the really ugly ones,me included.
Then I thought what am I comparing with?I just look at the photos on Angels and see these well made up,well dressed creatures. But the point is they are pictures,posed and heaven knows how many went into the bin till the right one came along.
Lately on Angels the fashion police have been having at a go at the genetic girls out shopping and saying how bad they look.I am lucky enough to have some good friends who are ordinary girls and the cry of"summers coming,that means I will have to start shaving my legs again"is not uncommon.
Back to the point.I am just an ordinary woman doing an ordinary job.
I am not superwoman.
I get tired,irritable and a downright moody cow at times but I am me and surely that is all that matters.
My horoscape todays said that when a wound heals it itches but we just have to scratch it and open it up again.They said that it is often better to put a plaster over it.Lesson there for me.
Don't try to obtain the unobtainable and don't go looking for fools gold.


Debbie K said...

Dear Julia
You are too modest to see that you are far from being just an ordinary woman.
You are an inspirational woman, totally natural & you now have the medical certificates to back that up, just as those that are privalidged to know you as a true friend have always known!

Now stop reading this & get on with that list of jobs, you rascal!

* said...

You're right, you are not superwoman....but you are bloody remarkable and that's the truth. the last line from Debbie.
Love - Loris x